"Looking For?" was formerly known as eightysixyears

1. What is it that music offers that other art forms can't?
Music can make you sad, happy, and just pumped in an instance? I don't think a painting, a sculpture, or even a movie would be able to do that. Music can cheer you up when you are having an awful day, inspire you to do something, help prepare you for a big game. The amazing thing is that it is so simple, all you need are your ears to be filled with emotions.
2. What is your favourite album of all time?
Our own album, called "Sang Idola" released on 2004
3. To you, how important is the sense of rhyme when writing lyrics?
Hmmm... same question again with other musicians. Well, we agree with Angie Lym's opinion. She said, "It really depends on what kinda music you're writing." ;p
p.s Angie Lym: Salam Cenat-Cenut untuk Angie Lym, aku cinta kamu hehe
4. Who are your personal songwriting heroes?
We don't have any songwriting heroes.
5. Would you choose to satisfy your own artistic integrity before you try to please your fans? Why and how?We prefer to just let it flow, and never change the dose on your own.