04 November 2010
Laman Budaya Rakyat
06/11 Dataran Merdeka - Mercy Side, Azfar Allias, GensekII, Sky Juice O' Beng, Last Hikari
13/11 Dataran Merdeka -Coca D' monday, Duta, Carbon 4 Teen, marshmallows
28 October 2010
Red Ruby Avengers
1. What are you guys listening to at the moment?
Amber: A lot of Japanese stuff like Mono,Toe,Te and also Naiad. Some of us are listening back to good old Sting.
Amber: A lot of Japanese stuff like Mono,Toe,Te and also Naiad. Some of us are listening back to good old Sting.
2. What is the average age of the band and who are at the extremes?
Amber: Everyone in the band is 24 this year.
Amber: Everyone in the band is 24 this year.
3. Does the band tend to gravitate towards any particular subject/theme, or are your lyrics mostly random thoughts?
Amber : The lyrics are mostly written by me and so it would most probably be about the things that I read about. I think I write a lot about humanity because I am very interested in humanity in general.
4. Which do you prefer to write in? First person (I, my) or second (his,hers) … and please explain your choice?
Amber: Depends on the subject and the song. But I really like to address the listeners as the second person as I believe that it kind of includes them into the song and the message gets across more direct at a personal level.
5. Would you choose to satisfy your own artistic integrity before you try to please your fans? Why and how?
Amber: It's always a give and take. We don't really see people who enjoy listening to our music as fans but as people who enjoy our music. We have a lot of respect for them and so if they are willing to spend money or to do what ever it takes to appreciate what we do then we would be more than willing to churn out more music.As long as we enjoy what we do, I think that would be satisfying enough.
Red Ruby Avengers Profile page -
Competition 06
This contest is open to everyone from all over the world. Judging will be based on all aspects of designing and concept element includes originality, commercial value, and audience’s vote.
The Album Art Design Competition 2010 aims to provide a platform for designers and musician to showcase their artwork to industry professionals, develop networking opportunities and benefit from relevant prizes that will assist in establishing their act in the live music scene.
Email your details to '' and attach 1 (one only) of your best design (600X600pxl). Remember to include your name & contact number!
1) Highest votes.
2) Check the voting results @
1) Participants must submit their OWN album art design (that are copyrighted to them or with permission from the copyright holder of the design).
2) Closing date: 30 Dec 2010
1) Cash or equivalent value of latest Nokia mobile phone.
Winners are to be selected by jury and 2crank’s music panel committee. This is your chance to be discovered by the biggest names in the music business! For you it is the contest that might just open the right doors, make the right connections and get your songs heard!
CREATIVE T-Shirt Design 2010/11
This contest is open to everyone from all over the world. Judging will be based on all aspects of designing and concept element includes originality, commercial value, and audience vote.
Creative T-shirt Design competition 2010/11 aims to provide a platform for designers and musician to showcase their artwork to industry professionals, develop networking opportunities and benefit from relevant prizes that will assist in establishing their act in the live music scene.
Email your details to '' and attach 1 (one only) of your best design (600X600pxl). Remember to include your name & contact number!
1) Highest votes.
2) Check the voting results @
1) Participants must submit their OWN T-shirt design (that are copyrighted to them or with permission from the copyright holder of the design).
2) Closing date: 30 Dec 2010
1) Cash or equivalent value of latest Nokia mobile phone.
Winners are to be selected by jury and 2crank’s music panel committee. This is your chance to be discovered by the biggest names in the music business! For you it is the contest that might just open the right doors, make the right connections and get your songs heard!
Competition 08–TV HOST/2crank Events Emcee 2010/
TV HOST/ 2crank Events Emcee 2010/11
- Opportunity to be a TV Host in upcoming 2crank tv show/
- 2crank Emcee for upcoming 2crank events (this is an online talent search)
Both Male & Female!
Email your details to '' and attach 1 (only one) of your video footage (youtube link). Remember to include your name & contact number!
1) Highest votes.
2) Check the voting results @
1) Aged between 18 to 30
2) Participants must submit their OWN Video footage that are copyrighted to them or with permission from the copyright holder of the video footage.
3) Closing date: 30 Dec 2010
1) Hosting in 2crank up coming TV Program/ Emcee for 2crank upcoming events.
2) Cash or equivalent value of latest Nokia mobile phone.
24 October 2010
What's New » Interviews
Once Upon A Time There Was A Sausage Named Bob
1.When you see a band's name, what can you understand about it … and how does that explain yours? Well each band name has its own personal meaning no matter how random it may be, I think it portrays the band’s personality and image. The name could be the lamest (*wink) but never judge them before listening to them! Our band name shows that we are very fun individuals and we each possess unique personalities. But don't think we're a joke! We do have a deeper side which talks about more serious issues. We can be emo too.. 2. In the style that you write in, what are the nuts and bolts of songwriting? Never write lyrics just for the sake of writing. It should come naturally and the let words flow. Emotions play a big part in song writing as well. Deep meaningful lyric is what I want to accomplish in a song and when there is doubt I’ll immediately stop. To each its own when it comes to songwriting, and this is my own personal way of doing it. :) 3. Who would you gauge yourself against as a composer and songwriter? I would say that the words we put into our songs are more of like the poetic writings of Hayley Williams and Bert McCracken (The Used). Straight-forward yet cleverly twirled up around a topiary. I think they are pure genius! 4. Which do you prefer to write in? First person (I, my) or second (his, hers) … and please explain your choice? I prefer writing as a first person because when I sing it, it projects raw emotion. Singing in such a way that I put myself in that particular story (song) where I can properly execute vulnerability, anger, joy, etc. To this date, I still think true emotion is still the best way to connect with your audience. The main aim here is to connect and hopefully your audience can somehow relate. 5. How was the band formed and what was the most important ingredient in getting you guys to share this dream together? Cool story. We were all in the same Performing Arts Club, PARTS, in IACT College and we were just initially a non-serious band. We jammed a few times and one day we decided to sign up for Battle Of The Bands for the fun of it. Guess what, we made it through and won 3rd place! The most important ingredient I would say would be two things, chemistry and passion. We all have the passion for music and lucky for us we are all really good friends with great chemistry. We are very fortunate that we could share our music while touching lives with our songs. To everyone out there, we live to inspire and you are not alone. :) Once Upon A Time There Was A Sausage Named Bob Profile page - |
20 October 2010
Laman Budaya Rakyat 1 Malaysia
23/10 Dataran Merdeka - - Round Robin, I See Dumb People, Red Ruby Avengers, Skinbasher
Event: Laman Budaya Rakyat 1 Malaysia
Date: 23 Oct 2010 Saturday
Time: 8:30pmVenue: Warisan Restoran, Dataran MerdekaBy: Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan dan Persatuan KARYAWAN Malaysia.
30/10 Dataran Merdeka - Chekdet, Dazmelon, Demitria, Mushbuttons
Event: Laman Budaya Rakyat 1 Malaysia
Date: 30 Oct 2010 Saturday
Time: 8:30pmVenue: Warisan Restoran, Dataran Merdeka
By: Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan dan Persatuan KARYAWAN Malaysia.
Laman Budaya Rakyat 1 Malaysia
23/10 Dataran Merdeka - - Round Robin, I See Dumb People, Red Ruby Avengers, Skinbasher
Event: Laman Budaya Rakyat 1 Malaysia
Date: 23 Oct 2010 Saturday
Time: 8:30pmVenue: Warisan Restoran, Dataran Merdeka
By: Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan dan Persatuan KARYAWAN Malaysia.
30/10 Dataran Merdeka - Chekdet, Dazmelon, Demitria, Mushbuttons
Event: Laman Budaya Rakyat 1 Malaysia
Date: 30 Oct 2010 Saturday
Time: 8:30pm
Venue: Warisan Restoran, Dataran Merdeka
By: Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan dan Persatuan KARYAWAN Malaysia.
19 October 2010
Competition 02 - Farah Asyikin 2010
Commpetition 02 - Farah Asyikin 2010

Farah is looking for new contents for her upcoming album through!
Details :-
This is an open contest that welcomes all entries from all parts of the world. Judging will be based on songwriting skills NOT performance or production quality. Any kind of recording will be accepted; studio, home recorded mp3 or even handphone recording. Hence, amateur songwriters have the same chance of being selected as any semi-professional who participates; as long as it is your original work. Entries must be in either English or Bahasa Malaysia only.
1) Upload your song;
Login > My2crank > Upload Music 
2) Tag your song as – Farah Asyikin (as shown in image below)
*Remember to top up if you do not have enough credit.
The ‘Farah Asyikin Competition’ is dedicated to promoting the art of songwriting and to discovering new talents/contents for her new album. Experienced professionals will carefully examine all entries. We aim to provide maximum exposure and opportunities for all winning entries. Professionals in the music industry will be following this event very closely to look for new talents, for example Fauzi Marzuki, Roslan Aziz & M Nasir. You could be one of the lucky selected composers!
Winners are to be selected by Farah Asyikin and 2crank’s music panel committee. This is your chance to be discovered by the biggest names in the music business!
Our competition offers a shot at making it big for composers, songwriters, original solo artists, and bands from everywhere around the world. For you, it is the contest that might just open the right doors, make the right connections and get your songs heard!
Winning entries will also be aired on our online radio, the first for any songwriting competition; only at 2crank Radio!
1st prize
- a) Farah to record the winning entry(ies) on her new album;
- b) Air play on partner medias – Radio, and online radio
- c) Coverage and publicity on partnering medias – Newspaper and magazines
Judges will base their evaluations on the universal hallmarks of songwriting excellence: Engaging lyrics, creative use of language, effective and memorable melodies, and overall songwriting technique.
Lyrics Only entries are judged using the same lyrical criteria — and the Judges will evaluate each song lyrics to see how successfully it can be adapted to music. Lyrics Only info
The Farah Asyikin Song Contest is open to ALL songwriters, lyricists and music composers everywhere.
This annual event is designed for amateur and semi-pro songwriters only. Individuals who earn over $5,000 in publishing royalties per year are not eligible. Entry to the contest is FREE (just make sure that you have sufficient credit to upload the your entry).
There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit.
Entries must be submitted on or before December 15, 2010.
Farah is looking for new contents for her upcoming album through!
Details :-
This is an open contest that welcomes all entries from all parts of the world. Judging will be based on songwriting skills NOT performance or production quality. Any kind of recording will be accepted; studio, home recorded mp3 or even handphone recording. Hence, amateur songwriters have the same chance of being selected as any semi-professional who participates; as long as it is your original work. Entries must be in either English or Bahasa Malaysia only.
1) Upload your song;
Login > My2crank > Upload Music 
2) Tag your song as – Farah Asyikin (as shown in image below)
2) Tag your song as – Farah Asyikin (as shown in image below)
*Remember to top up if you do not have enough credit.
The ‘Farah Asyikin Competition’ is dedicated to promoting the art of songwriting and to discovering new talents/contents for her new album. Experienced professionals will carefully examine all entries. We aim to provide maximum exposure and opportunities for all winning entries. Professionals in the music industry will be following this event very closely to look for new talents, for example Fauzi Marzuki, Roslan Aziz & M Nasir. You could be one of the lucky selected composers!
Winners are to be selected by Farah Asyikin and 2crank’s music panel committee. This is your chance to be discovered by the biggest names in the music business!
Our competition offers a shot at making it big for composers, songwriters, original solo artists, and bands from everywhere around the world. For you, it is the contest that might just open the right doors, make the right connections and get your songs heard!
Winning entries will also be aired on our online radio, the first for any songwriting competition; only at 2crank Radio!
1st prize
- a) Farah to record the winning entry(ies) on her new album;
- b) Air play on partner medias – Radio, and online radio
- c) Coverage and publicity on partnering medias – Newspaper and magazines
Judges will base their evaluations on the universal hallmarks of songwriting excellence: Engaging lyrics, creative use of language, effective and memorable melodies, and overall songwriting technique.
Lyrics Only entries are judged using the same lyrical criteria — and the Judges will evaluate each song lyrics to see how successfully it can be adapted to music. Lyrics Only info
The Farah Asyikin Song Contest is open to ALL songwriters, lyricists and music composers everywhere.
This annual event is designed for amateur and semi-pro songwriters only. Individuals who earn over $5,000 in publishing royalties per year are not eligible. Entry to the contest is FREE (just make sure that you have sufficient credit to upload the your entry).
There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit.
Entries must be submitted on or before December 15, 2010.
18 October 2010
What's New » Events
Laman Budaya Rakyat 1 Malaysia
Event: Laman Budaya Rakyat 1 Malaysia
Date: Every Saturday
Time: 8:30pm
Venue: Warisan Restoran, Dataran Merdeka
By: Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan dan Persatuan KARYAWAN Malaysia.
We have slot for any band wanna 2play @ Dataran Merdeka
9 Oct 2010
- Mahawangsa, Nota Muzika, Honey Mandarin 16 Oct 2010 - Farai, Jenny & Melody, The Everyday, Instake |
14 October 2010, The Everyday, Jenny & The Melody, Farai...
Event: Laman Budaya Rakyat 1 Malaysia
Date: 16 October 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 8:30pmVenue: Restoran Warisan, Dataran Merdeka
...By: Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan dan Persatuan KARYAWAN Malaysia
We have slot for any band wanna 2play @ Dataran Merdeka
Event: Laman Budaya Rakyat 1 Malaysia
Date: Every SaturdayTime: 8:30pm
Venue: Restoran Warisan, Dataran Merdeka
...By: Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan dan Persatuan KARYAWAN Malaysia.
04 October 2010
Best Indie Band
A company of musicians who writes, composes and sings their own material including lyrics and melodies. They usually consists of 3 or more band members; drummer, bassist and guitarist/singer. It is open to everyone and judging will be based on originality of the song, energy, technical performance, showmanship, stage presence for the X-factor and audience reaction.
Rules and Regulations
1. Must consists of 3 or more band members.
2. Original materials only. No cover songs.
3. All contestants must submit together with the lyrics.
4. All contestants must bring their own instruments. Piano/Keyboard will be provided only
for those who uses that as their accompaniment.
How it Works:
Step 1: Sign up and complete payment
Step 2: After payment, upload .zip file containing the original music (.mp3) and lyrics
that’s it!
Sign Up (Best Indie Band)
27 September 2010
Music competition for musicians to show off their talents.
Music competition for musicians to show off their talents.
Indie music is a term used to describe independence from major commercial record labels and an autonomous, do-it-yourself approach to recording and publishing.
Cyberjaya Indie Fest 2010 (CIF2010) aims to provide a platform for up-and-coming bands to showcase their music to industry professionals, develop networking opportunities and benefit from relevant prizes that will assist in establishing their act in the live music scene.
The Cyberjaya Indie Fest 2010 will run from August 2010 till October 2010 where each bands will send in their song online at There are 4 categories:-
1. Best Singer Songwriter
2. Best Indie Band
3. Best Music / Music Arragement
4. Best Storyboard – ‘Hidupku’ by Cynosure
Succesful bands from each category will go on to compete in the finals at Cyberjaya, Malaysia in December 2010.
Winners will be announced at the end of the night. This contest is open to everyone from all over the world. Judging will be based on all aspects of performing and composing that includes technical performance, showmanship, originality, professionalism, stage presence and audience reaction.
20 September 2010
What is is a music portal tat strives to take your music to an international audience. We don't promise riches or fame, but we do guarantee your music reaching out to an audience that perhaps wasn't possible for Asian artistes before. And best of all, you'll be paid for your efforts.
This is structures communication systems that will allow listeners...and viewers, from around the world to access your song. Fans and friends alike will be able to hear your music, watch video, rate your compositions, communicate with other fans, sell/ trade stuff and do much more.
Remember, though, that while you may be able to put up your songs and video on YouTube,, Facebook or MySpace even, that's as far as it will go if you don't work on getting people tocheck out your stuff. There are just so many page views you're going to get and you won't be making money.
This is what 2crank is all about and we know this will work because we have the infrastructure and the expertise. Look at 2crank as the iTunes for indie musician. So, write those songs and record them. Upload your ballad, your hit song, your rock classic. We need them to be up there on the site for the world to get to them.
So login, register, get those tunes up, and spread the word of 2crank. 2crank is here to help you become more independent and help you get paid for your hard work. The purchasing process is simple and stright forward - pick a song, and pay via credit card or eBank service. Just look up the site the card we accept and the bank working with us..And the money earned by the artiste can be cashed out or represented in credits for future transactions. Make 2crank your one-stop centre to sell your music, buy other's songs and communicate with people out there who share the same passion and interest as you - music!
NOTE: is the Music Portal for Independent Artist, Bands, Instrument Players, Deejays and Composers to promote their music worldwide. Members will also be able to obtain comments from professional musicians and fans. is a platform for musicians/composer to upload their original songs/ own songs so that others can download it. please do not upload songs that belongs to others. Have fun using
Tags: About
16 September 2010
Big draw on now...
Big draw on now... Answer 1 question...Stand a chance to win...USD25,
13 September 2010
What's New » Interviews
Car Crash Hearts
1. What is it that music offers that other art forms can't?
Aliff: the ability to express yourself visual and sonically.
Alda: being able to interact with ur audience. Nothing better then being fed
energy in return!
Aliff: the ability to express yourself visual and sonically.
Alda: being able to interact with ur audience. Nothing better then being fed
energy in return!
2. What is your favourite album of all time?
Alda: stevie wonder's songs in the key of life
Aliff: science by incubus
Collin: foo fighters - colours and shapes
Alda: stevie wonder's songs in the key of life
Aliff: science by incubus
Collin: foo fighters - colours and shapes
3. To you, how important is the sense of rhyme when writing lyrics?
Songs are poetry set in song so sense of rhyme would be a plus! But to us its an exception not the rule.
Songs are poetry set in song so sense of rhyme would be a plus! But to us its an exception not the rule.
4. In your opinion, how has songwriting evolved over the past two decades?
Things are becoming pretty straight forward. More no brainer music. That's a good and bad thing. Think about it.
Are we making good progress?
Definately malaysian music is on the up!
And what is your band's contribution to this?
We rather be remembered as the band who wrote great songs more then being just technically gifted. We also hope we bring back the rock anthems! So hopefully yhat'll be our contribution
5. What's your take on the whole vintage vs modern argument, be it for musical instruments or recording applications?
They both have their pros and cons! Vintage allows music to be more organic the way it should be. But modern allows us to save cost.
Things are becoming pretty straight forward. More no brainer music. That's a good and bad thing. Think about it.
Are we making good progress?
Definately malaysian music is on the up!
And what is your band's contribution to this?
We rather be remembered as the band who wrote great songs more then being just technically gifted. We also hope we bring back the rock anthems! So hopefully yhat'll be our contribution
5. What's your take on the whole vintage vs modern argument, be it for musical instruments or recording applications?
They both have their pros and cons! Vintage allows music to be more organic the way it should be. But modern allows us to save cost.
Car Crash Hearts profile page -
Tags: New Interview-March 2010
02 September 2010
1. When you see a band's name, what can you understand about it … and how does that explain yours?
A band name is perhaps a subject that most people think is very crucial to a band's success. In advertising terms, it's more like a branding.
Regarding our band name, Khairil was the one who came up with the name Instake. He was actually scribbling some words and accidentally mixed them up together. The name Instake itself was actually derived from 2 words. The word 'In' and 'Stake' which means (according to Khairil) that we ourselves are always taking risk in life. We are always In Stake..
2. If the band had to reach out to a singular source for inspiration, who would it be? And why?
All of Instake songs was roughly developed by Khairil. According to him, there is no singular source of inspiration. The melody or a tune can reach you in many ways. Sometimes, you'll get your inspiration while driving your car, reading a book or even while watching movies. It has something to do with the writer's mood and feelings perhaps.
3. Is there an element of glamour surrounding the songwriter of the band … and does that allow him to dictate the band somewhat? And who is that guy in this band?
Actually, there is no element of glamour at all. The whole band is involved creatively in each song arrangements. Of course when it comes to lyrics, Khairil is the one who does the writing. He also wrote the early arrangement for each song and present to the band at each rehearsal sessions. From there, each band members will do their part with the arrangement.
4. There's the argument that music is part art and part science. Is that true, and how do you see the division?
To be honest, we never heard any argument about that. We don't think that there is any science involved in song writing and music. Music is an art of playing and composing sounds into a melody that can reach and connect with certain people. No song or is identical to the other. Unless the writer purposely copied another writer's song. That's what we think.
5. How was the band formed and what was the most important ingredient in getting you guys to share this dream together?
Instake was actually formed back in 2001 by Khairil (guitar/vocals), Syukht (bass) and Nazri (drums, but now on 2nd guitar). In 2004, Instake was put on hold due to commitments and work related issues. Syukht later joined his friends and played bass for "From Cadillac To Geisha" and Nazri later joined and played bass for his cousin's melodic death metal band "Heldrasil".
To cut the story short, in 2008, Khairil wanted to get back in the scene again with Instake and contacted Syukht and Nazri but they had already committed with their current bands. So, Khairil had to scout for new line-ups. With a few hiccups along the way, Instake was re-formed again with Khairil (Guitar/Vocals), Megat (Bass) and Razlan (Drums). Nazri joined back on 2nd guitar last November 2009.
Regarding the question of what was the most important ingredient in getting us to share this dream together, it's the passion. We don't want it big and don't expect it to be big. We just want to deliver and share our music with the everyone.INSTAKE Profile page -
A band name is perhaps a subject that most people think is very crucial to a band's success. In advertising terms, it's more like a branding.
Regarding our band name, Khairil was the one who came up with the name Instake. He was actually scribbling some words and accidentally mixed them up together. The name Instake itself was actually derived from 2 words. The word 'In' and 'Stake' which means (according to Khairil) that we ourselves are always taking risk in life. We are always In Stake..
2. If the band had to reach out to a singular source for inspiration, who would it be? And why?
All of Instake songs was roughly developed by Khairil. According to him, there is no singular source of inspiration. The melody or a tune can reach you in many ways. Sometimes, you'll get your inspiration while driving your car, reading a book or even while watching movies. It has something to do with the writer's mood and feelings perhaps.
3. Is there an element of glamour surrounding the songwriter of the band … and does that allow him to dictate the band somewhat? And who is that guy in this band?
Actually, there is no element of glamour at all. The whole band is involved creatively in each song arrangements. Of course when it comes to lyrics, Khairil is the one who does the writing. He also wrote the early arrangement for each song and present to the band at each rehearsal sessions. From there, each band members will do their part with the arrangement.
4. There's the argument that music is part art and part science. Is that true, and how do you see the division?
To be honest, we never heard any argument about that. We don't think that there is any science involved in song writing and music. Music is an art of playing and composing sounds into a melody that can reach and connect with certain people. No song or is identical to the other. Unless the writer purposely copied another writer's song. That's what we think.
5. How was the band formed and what was the most important ingredient in getting you guys to share this dream together?
Instake was actually formed back in 2001 by Khairil (guitar/vocals), Syukht (bass) and Nazri (drums, but now on 2nd guitar). In 2004, Instake was put on hold due to commitments and work related issues. Syukht later joined his friends and played bass for "From Cadillac To Geisha" and Nazri later joined and played bass for his cousin's melodic death metal band "Heldrasil".
To cut the story short, in 2008, Khairil wanted to get back in the scene again with Instake and contacted Syukht and Nazri but they had already committed with their current bands. So, Khairil had to scout for new line-ups. With a few hiccups along the way, Instake was re-formed again with Khairil (Guitar/Vocals), Megat (Bass) and Razlan (Drums). Nazri joined back on 2nd guitar last November 2009.
Regarding the question of what was the most important ingredient in getting us to share this dream together, it's the passion. We don't want it big and don't expect it to be big. We just want to deliver and share our music with the everyone.INSTAKE Profile page -
01 September 2010
Tashya's Ink
1. Lyrically, what do you guys generally write about?
At the moment we write about the common things in life and personal emotions especially on the subject of love.
We write mostly about what people in general can relate too.....But mostly about love and the feeling of being wanted by someone and craving for that special person to notice you.
2. If the band had to reach out to a singular source for inspiration, who would it be? And why?
Every one of us contributes a certain kind of inspiration to the band in the parts we play. We are inspired with each other and that’s how we get the complete sound.
3. Is there an element of glamour surrounding the songwriter of the band…and does that allow him to dictate the band somewhat? And who is that guy in this band?
Err… We don’t think it makes much difference because when we play, we play as a unit. So I don’t think the audience is only interested in the songwriter. We are quite balance as a band and everyone’s opinion is valued and there is no dictators in our band !!! We respect each other as an individual musician and to solve creative differences we open it to a vote. We're proud that we can be democratic in this way. Glamour is definitely not on our agenda as it's all about the music and hopefully through our music we can reach out positively to people that listens to it.
4. There's the argument that music is part art and part science. Is that true, and how do you see the division?
Well to be honest, to me music is an expression but u can say it’s both arts & science. Can’t tell it apart though. To describe it further, we would say that the art part would be the melody and the vibe of the song. The science bit is what we would describe the technical part of coming up with a sound that 'fits' for that particular song, what type of amp, what effects to use...that sort of thing. But its a grey area between the two. Its hard to differentiate at times.
5. How was the band formed and what was the most important ingredient in getting you guys to share this dream together?
Tashya’s Ink was formed after Tashya won Mystarz Lg and it was more of a solo thing because she never really had an actual band line up except for her then-bassist, Nakim, who had guided her somewhat on her early years. She used to play alone acoustically with the name Tashya’s Ink but after Iriz joined, all of us got together with Ike and Wan and we think this is the best combination so far. We want the same things and we see the same things and most importantly we respect each other and I think that answers the latter. With the guidance of Bari from Present Intense Recordings, we foresee an achievable and realistic path to achieve our dream together.
Tags: New Interview-September 2010
26 August 2010
VOTE-Your Favorite Radio Station
To Vote go to front page
to see result
Muzik FM
Hot FM
Era FM
Suria FM
Fly FM
One FM
Thr FM
to see result
Muzik FM
Hot FM
Era FM
Suria FM
Fly FM
One FM
Thr FM
24 August 2010
Opportunity to be a talent/model in Indie Music Videos (this is an online talent search)
...Both Male & Female!
Email your details to '' and attach two of your best photos (600X600pxl). Remember to include your name & contact number!
1) Highest votes.
2) Check the voting results
1) Aged between 18 to 30
2) Participants must submit their OWN photogrpahs that are copyrighted to them or with permission from the copyright holder of the photographs.
3) Closing date: 30 Nov 2010
1) Appearance in video music/ up coming TV Program.
2) Cash or equivalent value of branded cosmetic.Add a captionMODEL INDIE MUSIC VIDEOS (THIS IS AN ONLINE TALENT SEARCH)
Opportunity to be a talent/model in Indie Music Videos (this is an online talent search)
Both Male & Female!
Email your details to '' and attach two of your best photos (600X600pxl). Remember to include your name & contact number!
1) Highest votes.
2) Check the voting results
1) Aged between 18 to 30
2) Participants must submit their OWN photogrpahs that are copyrighted to them or with permission from the copyright holder of the photographs.
3) Closing date: 30 Nov 2010
1) Appearance in video music/ up coming TV Program.
...Both Male & Female!
Email your details to '' and attach two of your best photos (600X600pxl). Remember to include your name & contact number!
1) Highest votes.
2) Check the voting results
1) Aged between 18 to 30
2) Participants must submit their OWN photogrpahs that are copyrighted to them or with permission from the copyright holder of the photographs.
3) Closing date: 30 Nov 2010
1) Appearance in video music/ up coming TV Program.
2) Cash or equivalent value of branded cosmetic.Add a captionMODEL INDIE MUSIC VIDEOS (THIS IS AN ONLINE TALENT SEARCH)
Opportunity to be a talent/model in Indie Music Videos (this is an online talent search)
Both Male & Female!
Email your details to '' and attach two of your best photos (600X600pxl). Remember to include your name & contact number!
1) Highest votes.
2) Check the voting results
1) Aged between 18 to 30
2) Participants must submit their OWN photogrpahs that are copyrighted to them or with permission from the copyright holder of the photographs.
3) Closing date: 30 Nov 2010
1) Appearance in video music/ up coming TV Program.
2) Cash or equivalent value of branded cosmetic.
20 August 2010
We are looking for a freelance EMCEE.
We are looking for a freelance EMCEE.
The candidate must have:
- prior experience
- professional & groomed personality
- good communication skills
- good speaker and know how to handle crowd
Please respnd with your profile and photo @
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