1. When you see a band's name, what can you understand about it … and how does that explain yours?
Usually a band's name would explain the band itself, give us a rough idea of the band's image, a hint of the genre or music they're playing and a good band name would usually attract people to listen to them. Thats usually the case, in general. When people see or hear about AZUREFORJANNE, it explains or elaborate the same term too in general, the difference is people would wonder whats "AZURE" or how to spell "JANNE" or why is it spelled with all capital letters, and that would spark more interest for people to check the band behind the name more.
2. In the style that you write in, what are the nuts and bolts of songwriting?
Our songwriting consists of five different styles cause each of our band members have our own distinct style. We collaborate and mix all of our ideas together, usually during our practice sessions, and put all the different elements into one song. We practice creative freedom when it comes to making our songs, so all of ideas would be put to use, it might be filtered but it won't be scraped off. If you ask what are the nuts and bolts in our songwriting, we are.
3. Who would you gauge yourself against as a composer and songwriter?
I'd say a composer and songwriter is not a good choice for us to gauge against since were a band of five people, so it'd be more appropriate if it was a band. The bands we look up to and influences us are local acts such as Love Me Butch and Seven Collar T-Shirt, international acts, to name a few like Chiodos(US), Tribal Chair (JAP), FACT (JAP), Alesana (US), The Amity Affliction (AUS), Dividing The Line (UK) and a lot more.
4. Which do you prefer to write in? First person (I, my) or second (his, hers) … and please explain your choice?
First person's point of view because, it is more personal when people are listening to our songs, they can relate to the lyrics and live the moments through their imagination. The words from the lyrics is more intimate to the listener if it was written or sung in a first person's view.
5. There's the argument that music is part art and part science. Is that true, and how do you see the division?
In the first place, there shouldn't be an argument at all. Music is a form of expression, an expression that billions in the world can relate to and understand, a passion that's shared by everyone and its indifferent when it comes from different individuals. Music is something universal, its not part art and part science, its all heart and passion.
Usually a band's name would explain the band itself, give us a rough idea of the band's image, a hint of the genre or music they're playing and a good band name would usually attract people to listen to them. Thats usually the case, in general. When people see or hear about AZUREFORJANNE, it explains or elaborate the same term too in general, the difference is people would wonder whats "AZURE" or how to spell "JANNE" or why is it spelled with all capital letters, and that would spark more interest for people to check the band behind the name more.
2. In the style that you write in, what are the nuts and bolts of songwriting?
Our songwriting consists of five different styles cause each of our band members have our own distinct style. We collaborate and mix all of our ideas together, usually during our practice sessions, and put all the different elements into one song. We practice creative freedom when it comes to making our songs, so all of ideas would be put to use, it might be filtered but it won't be scraped off. If you ask what are the nuts and bolts in our songwriting, we are.
3. Who would you gauge yourself against as a composer and songwriter?
I'd say a composer and songwriter is not a good choice for us to gauge against since were a band of five people, so it'd be more appropriate if it was a band. The bands we look up to and influences us are local acts such as Love Me Butch and Seven Collar T-Shirt, international acts, to name a few like Chiodos(US), Tribal Chair (JAP), FACT (JAP), Alesana (US), The Amity Affliction (AUS), Dividing The Line (UK) and a lot more.
4. Which do you prefer to write in? First person (I, my) or second (his, hers) … and please explain your choice?
First person's point of view because, it is more personal when people are listening to our songs, they can relate to the lyrics and live the moments through their imagination. The words from the lyrics is more intimate to the listener if it was written or sung in a first person's view.
5. There's the argument that music is part art and part science. Is that true, and how do you see the division?
In the first place, there shouldn't be an argument at all. Music is a form of expression, an expression that billions in the world can relate to and understand, a passion that's shared by everyone and its indifferent when it comes from different individuals. Music is something universal, its not part art and part science, its all heart and passion.
1. What are you guys listening to at the moment?
Faisal: Since the radio can't stop playing Justin Bieber's song, I was forced to listen to it. Haha. Well.. At this very moment, I'm listening to "Wheels" by The Foo Fighters, but nowadays I listen mostly to local bands and Indonesian bands.
Andy: Listening to local bands like Estranged, One Buck Short, Pop Shuvit, Bunkface, and also international bands like All American Rejects, Sum 41 and Greenday.
John: Currently I'm listening to J-rock and Visual Kays.
MOose: Korn and Yellowcard.
2. What is the average age of the band and who are at the extremes?
Faisal: Our average age would be around 21 or 22. Moose is the eldest and Andy is the youngest.
3. Does the band tend to gravitate towards any particular subject/theme, or are your lyrics mostly random thoughts?
Faisal: Our lyrics are usually based on a particular subject or theme. So far, all of the songs I've written are based on our personal experiences and the happenings around us.
4. Who are your personal songwriting heroes?
Faisal: John Lennon and Kurt Cobain.
Andy: My songwriting hero is Noel Gallagher and Deryck Whibley but since I'm not writing, it doesn't really matter.
5. Would you choose to satisfy your own artistic integrity before you try to please your fans? Why and how?
Faisal: I would try my best to satisfy both at the same time by expressing ourselves in our music and at the same time knowing what the fan wants. We owe it to the fans.
Moose: Yea.. I would choose to satisfy my artistic integrity so I know who I am and what I'm capable of doing. So fans will love us for who we really are.
Andy: Yes I do satisfy myself musically before the fans. It's what makes you original.
Handle With Care Profile page - http://www.2crank.com/HandleWithCare
Brain Jelly
1. When you see a band's name, what can you understand about it … and how does that explain yours?
BRAINJELLY is just a catchy name, there is no specific meaning behind it. We chose the name BRAINJELLY simply because it brings the punk rock feel to the band. For us the name of the band is not important. The important thing is our songs... right? hehe..but regardless BRAINJELLY is the coolest name ever! haha
2. Lyrically, what do you guys generally write about?
Our songs are mostly all about life,love,hate and surrounding.
3. If you had to work with someone you admire, who would it be and why?
I am very interested in working with Kurt Cobain of Nirvana. For me, he is a simple person with a very meaningful life but i don't know how could he had committed suicide. His lyrics are mostly about himself. They were very nice...
4. What is your favourite album of all time?
There are many album that we listen to, keep, and play, but the ones we like the most are GREENDAY's album "DOOKIE", NIRVANA's "NEVERMIND", SUM41's "CHUCK",MUSE's "ABSOLUTION" album, THE OFFSPRING's "SMASH" and many more..
5. Is there an element of glamour surrounding the songwriter of the band …and does that allow him to dictate the band somewhat? And who is that guy in this band?
Our vocalist is the head of the band, he likes to write happy & catchy stuff...
BRAINJELLY is just a catchy name, there is no specific meaning behind it. We chose the name BRAINJELLY simply because it brings the punk rock feel to the band. For us the name of the band is not important. The important thing is our songs... right? hehe..but regardless BRAINJELLY is the coolest name ever! haha
2. Lyrically, what do you guys generally write about?
Our songs are mostly all about life,love,hate and surrounding.
3. If you had to work with someone you admire, who would it be and why?
I am very interested in working with Kurt Cobain of Nirvana. For me, he is a simple person with a very meaningful life but i don't know how could he had committed suicide. His lyrics are mostly about himself. They were very nice...
4. What is your favourite album of all time?
There are many album that we listen to, keep, and play, but the ones we like the most are GREENDAY's album "DOOKIE", NIRVANA's "NEVERMIND", SUM41's "CHUCK",MUSE's "ABSOLUTION" album, THE OFFSPRING's "SMASH" and many more..
5. Is there an element of glamour surrounding the songwriter of the band …and does that allow him to dictate the band somewhat? And who is that guy in this band?
Our vocalist is the head of the band, he likes to write happy & catchy stuff...
1. When you see a band's name, what can you understand about it … and how does that explain yours?
It depends on how seriously you take yourself. We don't take ourselves too seriously as individuals - one always has to have a sense of humour about things, but we do take our music seriously. Nowadays, you see bands from both ends of the serious-ness spectrum; bands that think they are all that and refuse to acknowledge that they are human too, and bands that just want to have a cool band name but come up with shite tunes. We just randomly came up with our name, we didn't really put much thought into it. We'd rather put that energy into making kick ass tunes and learning new tricks like riding a unicycle. Music is joy, and that's the way it should stay. That being said, there is a really gnarly all-male metal band called Lesbian.
2. How was the band formed and what was the most important ingredient in getting you guys to share this dream together?
We actually got our first show before we had a band. Initially it was just me (Farah). I opened my big mouth and said I had a band when I didn't just so I could get a show. It was a private party, sometime in August last year. I was playing solo before that, but I felt like such a loser all by my lonesome. If I sucked, I didn't want to suck alone. We didn't even have our own instruments. I just had a mandolin and a borrowed acoustic.
3. Does the band tend to gravitate towards any particular subject/theme, or are your lyrics mostly random thoughts?
No theme, really, There's songs about people we meet, situations we've been in, food that we eat. Sometimes it's about the people we meet, situations they've been in, food that they eat.
4. What are you guys in this for? Money, fame, fortune?
All the above. Kidding. Hahaha, well if anybody in Malaysia ever got into music for the money, they're in the wrong country. Fame, we would've applied for Akademi Fantasia ages ago, then beat up some chick in a club with a stiletto.
5. Would you choose to satisfy your own artistic integrity before you try to please your fans? Why and how?
There's only 4 of us and like, 30 fans. We'd like to say we have a thousand million fans but we'd be lying and who wants a band of liars? Too many people to please. So it's easier and more economical to please 4 people than a thousand million. We live in lean times, my friend.
Shh...Diam! Profile page - http://www.2crank.com/ShhDiam
1. Lyrically, what do you guys generally write about?
We usually write about the ups and downs in life, the struggle to succeed and things like that; but not in a moody or 'emo' style to the point where we want people to feel our pain or sadness or anything. We don't do it that way. Instead, we try to make it as hyper, heavy and as energetic as possible. After all, it's much easier to make the crowd go crazy if you have upbeat songs.
2. When you see a band's name, what can you understand about it … and how does that explain yours?
A band's name should sound like it could stand the test of time or shake the world! But honestly, we see many new bands now coming up with names they think is 'sempoi' like for example, Biskut Meri, Sayasayangmaksaya, Kautaksayangmakkau, Jejaka Retro, Bintang Menunggu Bulan or whatever. To us, it shows that they have no direction, definitely no attitude, and probably won't be around for long as well. They don't even sound like they are serious. Ours is pretty much straight forward. Rock n Roll John. Rock n Roll is what we play (straight away you'll know our direction right there, man!) and John is just a tribute to our dad who taught us about music. Friends and family call him John.
3. How was the band formed and what was the most important ingredient in getting you guys to share this dream together?
We are brothers and we started learning how to play music since we were kids. That was where it all began. But we only formed the band after high school. What makes us stick together until now is because we love rock n roll so much, we love playing music, and also we are brothers and best friends.You can say the chemistry is naturally there.
4. In the style that you write in, what are the nuts and bolts of songwriting?
Well, sometimes ideas pops up. But if we plan to write a song, we would sit and discuss what the song is all about, how should it sound like, and also research on our music influences which we think is very important in writing your own song. You have to know your roots.
5. Who would you gauge yourself against as a composer and songwriter?
James Hetfield, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, P. Ramlee (sad he's not around anymore).
We usually write about the ups and downs in life, the struggle to succeed and things like that; but not in a moody or 'emo' style to the point where we want people to feel our pain or sadness or anything. We don't do it that way. Instead, we try to make it as hyper, heavy and as energetic as possible. After all, it's much easier to make the crowd go crazy if you have upbeat songs.
2. When you see a band's name, what can you understand about it … and how does that explain yours?
A band's name should sound like it could stand the test of time or shake the world! But honestly, we see many new bands now coming up with names they think is 'sempoi' like for example, Biskut Meri, Sayasayangmaksaya, Kautaksayangmakkau, Jejaka Retro, Bintang Menunggu Bulan or whatever. To us, it shows that they have no direction, definitely no attitude, and probably won't be around for long as well. They don't even sound like they are serious. Ours is pretty much straight forward. Rock n Roll John. Rock n Roll is what we play (straight away you'll know our direction right there, man!) and John is just a tribute to our dad who taught us about music. Friends and family call him John.
3. How was the band formed and what was the most important ingredient in getting you guys to share this dream together?
We are brothers and we started learning how to play music since we were kids. That was where it all began. But we only formed the band after high school. What makes us stick together until now is because we love rock n roll so much, we love playing music, and also we are brothers and best friends.You can say the chemistry is naturally there.
4. In the style that you write in, what are the nuts and bolts of songwriting?
Well, sometimes ideas pops up. But if we plan to write a song, we would sit and discuss what the song is all about, how should it sound like, and also research on our music influences which we think is very important in writing your own song. You have to know your roots.
5. Who would you gauge yourself against as a composer and songwriter?
James Hetfield, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, P. Ramlee (sad he's not around anymore).
Carbon 4 Teens 1. When you see a band's name, what can you understand about it … and how does that explain yours? "More catchy your band's name, more value will you get". Basically, a band's name is a brand. It does not signify how good or poor your band is with the name that you chose. When it comes to branding, as a brand owner we have to bring a good reputation to our brand. Like the NOFX band for example, the name sounds simple and sometimes funny when said out. I do not know if there is a story behind the name ,NOFX, but for me they are a good band! Is not because of their band's name but their songs are good and that gives good reputation to their band's name. As the same for us, I chose this name with no good or relevant meaning to describe us. LOL! I took this name from science text book and Carbon 4' Teen is actually a radioactive isotope of carbon but we are not science teachers so.... Yet, the most important thing is that we try our best to make this name gain more value until the point where when people talk about Malaysia's punk rock band, they will talk about us. Yes that is our dream. 2. If the band had to reach out to a singular source for inspiration, who would it be? And why? Redza, our guitarist and songwriter is our source for inspiration. He knows a lot and is very well versed when it comes to punk rock music, so we trust him; but who cares? 3. Is there an element of glamour surrounding the songwriter of the band …and does that allow him to dictate the band somewhat? And who is that guy in this band? LOL! I would vote myself as the most glamor guy in this band. Even if yes, I can not simply exert my influence on my band mate to do this and that. If the majority disagrees then the answer would be "No!"; otherwise please go solo. 4. In your opinion, how has songwriting evolved over the past two decades? Are we making good progress? And what is your band's contribution to this? Yes we're definitely making a good progress and it's getting better even though we're slower compare to other countries. I just want to point out that there are some potential musician/bands that are still hiding behind the mentality of Do-It-Your attitude or "katak bawah tempurung". Surely, they only think of how to "sell-in" and not to go "sell-out". But for me, it does not matter as long as you know what to do. There is no right and wrong here. At the end you will realize that it depends on you because your path is your truest path. 5. How was the band formed and what was the most important ingredient in getting you guys to share this dream together? In an independent scene, we started this band with the objective to voice our ideology about human rights. We strongly oppose racism, fascism, sexism and that was the very reason we chose hardcore/punk genre for the band. Back in the days when Malaysia's independent music scene was attacked by black metal issue. Mainstream media was labeling bands that wore black shirts, played heavy music and gigging with black metal activities. That really affected us. But now, Malaysia's music industry is steadily accepting independent music (so called Indie) and suddenly everyone wants to be "indie". Whatever it is, it is a good time and good chance to make a move. Yes, our music style changed and maybe we follow the market trend by playing Pop/Punk Rock genre but that is the strategy to attract more listeners for our music and to make this band go further but we are still same and we still strongly opposed what we declared before this. It does not mean that if we play softer music we can't voice our ideologies. "Jangan hanya melepaskan batuk di tangga." Being a good musician means that there is a need to know your limits, being a good listener and respecting one and another are our main ingredients in making our dreams come true. Punk Rock loves you too! | |
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