1. What are the most important ingredients in a good song, and please explain why you think so?
The keyword of a good song, SOUL, but never separate soul with KNOWLEDGE. I believe this combination will make a song stay longer in hearts.
2. What are your lyrical subjects? People, places, incidents, emotions?
For now people it is general feelings, environment, earth, and God Almighty.
3. Who has inspired you the most where songwriting is concerned? What is it about them that you like?
Tompi, James Brown, Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, Jamiroquai etc. But the most inspiring people around me are my family and friends. We learn a lot together.
4. Is songwriting a process where you sit down and think about what to write or does it come to you as a moment of inspiration? And how do you constantly make this work for you?
It depends on the situation, circumstances, and place. the idea could come in any way. What I need to do is just always be ready and be prepared.
5. What music are you into at the moment ... and why do you like it?
I'm a universal listener but usually into Reggae, Funk, R&B, Blues, and Rock.
AZFAR ALLIAS Profile page - http://www.2crank.com/azfarallias
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