
28 October 2010

Red Ruby Avengers

1. What are you guys listening to at the moment?
Amber: A lot of Japanese stuff like Mono,Toe,Te and also Naiad. Some of us are listening back to good old Sting.

2. What is the average age of the band and who are at the extremes?
Amber: Everyone in the band is 24 this year.

3. Does the band tend to gravitate towards any particular subject/theme, or are your lyrics mostly random thoughts?
Amber : The lyrics are mostly written by me and so it would most probably be about the things that I read about. I think I write a lot about humanity because I am very interested in humanity in general.

4. Which do you prefer to write in? First person (I, my) or second (his,hers) … and please explain your choice?
Amber: Depends on the subject and the song. But I really like to address the listeners as the second person as I believe that it kind of includes them into the song and the message gets across more direct at a personal level.

5. Would you choose to satisfy your own artistic integrity before you try to please your fans? Why and how?
Amber: It's always a give and take. We don't really see people who enjoy listening to our music as fans but as people who enjoy our music. We have a lot of respect for them and so if they are willing to spend money or to do what ever it takes to appreciate what we do then we would be more than willing to churn out more music.As long as we enjoy what we do, I think that would be satisfying enough.
Red Ruby Avengers Profile page - 

Competition 06


This contest is open to everyone from all over the world. Judging will be based on all aspects of designing and concept element includes originality, commercial value, and audience’s vote.

The Album Art Design Competition 2010 aims to provide a platform for designers and musician to showcase their artwork to industry professionals, develop networking opportunities and benefit from relevant prizes that will assist in establishing their act in the live music scene.

Email your details to '' and attach 1 (one only) of your best design (600X600pxl). Remember to include your name & contact number!

1) Highest votes.
2) Check the voting results @

1) Participants must submit their OWN album art design (that are copyrighted to them or with permission from the copyright holder of the design).
2) Closing date: 30 Dec 2010

1) Cash or equivalent value of latest Nokia mobile phone.
Winners are to be selected by jury and 2crank’s music panel committee. This is your chance to be discovered by the biggest names in the music business! For you it is the contest that might just open the right doors, make the right connections and get your songs heard!

CREATIVE T-Shirt Design 2010/11

This contest is open to everyone from all over the world. Judging will be based on all aspects of designing and concept element includes originality, commercial value, and audience vote.

Creative T-shirt Design competition 2010/11 aims to provide a platform for designers and musician to showcase their artwork to industry professionals, develop networking opportunities and benefit from relevant prizes that will assist in establishing their act in the live music scene.

Email your details to '' and attach 1 (one only) of your best design (600X600pxl). Remember to include your name & contact number! 

1) Highest votes.
2) Check the voting results @

1) Participants must submit their OWN T-shirt design (that are copyrighted to them or with permission from the copyright holder of the design).
2) Closing date: 30 Dec 2010

1) Cash or equivalent value of latest Nokia mobile phone.
Winners are to be selected by jury and 2crank’s music panel committee. This is your chance to be discovered by the biggest names in the music business! For you it is the contest that might just open the right doors, make the right connections and get your songs heard!

Competition 08–TV HOST/2crank Events Emcee 2010/

TV HOST/ 2crank Events Emcee 2010/11
- Opportunity to be a TV Host in upcoming 2crank tv show/
- 2crank Emcee for upcoming 2crank events (this is an online talent search)

Both Male & Female!

Email your details to '' and attach 1 (only one) of your video footage (youtube link). Remember to include your name & contact number! 

1) Highest votes.
2) Check the voting results @

1) Aged between 18 to 30
2) Participants must submit their OWN Video footage that are copyrighted to them or with permission from the copyright holder of the video footage.
3) Closing date: 30 Dec 2010

1) Hosting in 2crank up coming TV Program/ Emcee for 2crank upcoming events.
2) Cash or equivalent value of latest Nokia mobile phone.

24 October 2010

What's New » Interviews

Once Upon A Time There Was A Sausage Named Bob

1.When you see a band's name, what can you understand about it … and how does that explain yours? 
Well each band name has its own personal meaning no matter how random it may be, I think it portrays the band’s personality and image. The name could be the lamest (*wink) but never judge them before listening to them! Our band name shows that we are very fun individuals and we each possess unique personalities. But don't think we're a joke! We do have a deeper side which talks about more serious issues. We can be emo too..

2. In the style that you write in, what are the nuts and bolts of songwriting?
Never write lyrics just for the sake of writing. It should come naturally and the let words flow. Emotions play a big part in song writing as well. Deep meaningful  lyric is what I want to accomplish in a song and when there is doubt I’ll immediately stop. To each its own when it comes to songwriting, and this is my own personal way of doing it. :)

3. Who would you gauge yourself against as a composer and songwriter?
I would say that the words we put into our songs are more of like the poetic writings of Hayley Williams and Bert McCracken (The Used). Straight-forward yet cleverly twirled up around a topiary. I think they are pure genius!

4. Which do you prefer to write in? First person (I, my) or second (his, hers) … and please explain your choice?
I prefer writing as a first person because when I sing it, it projects raw emotion. Singing in such a way that I put myself in that particular story (song) where I can properly execute vulnerability, anger, joy, etc. To this date, I still think true emotion is still the best way to connect with your audience. The main aim here is to connect and hopefully your audience can somehow relate.

5. How was the band formed and what was the most important ingredient in getting you guys to share this dream together?
Cool story. We were all in the same Performing Arts Club, PARTS, in IACT College and we were just initially a non-serious band. We jammed a few times and one day we decided to sign up for Battle Of The Bands for the fun of it. Guess what, we made it through and won 3rd place! The most important ingredient I would say would be two things, chemistry and passion. We all have the passion for music and lucky for us we are all really good friends with great chemistry. We are very fortunate that we could share our music while touching lives with our songs. To everyone out there, we live to inspire and you are not alone. :)

Once Upon A Time There Was A Sausage Named Bob Profile page -